Sunday, May 3, 2009

Costume List
  1. Black Hoodie
  2. Black T Shirt
  3. Black/Dark Blue jeans
Props list
  1. Bass Guitar
  2. Electric Guitar
  3. Drum Sticks
  4. Microphone

My front cover

On my front cover at the top i called my magazine Metal Head. The title is white with a black box around it. In the centre of the magazine i have a big picture of the bassist and guitarist stood back to back lookingt into the camera. Down the right hand side of the magazine is a list of all the other bands that would be in my magazine and thier articles

My photos

For my photos i got mainly 2 guitarists one on the bass and one on an electric guitar, both of them our dressed in black one in hoody and other in a T shirt, both of them are wearing jeans. On thier Hoody/T shirt they have got a different band and that represents who gave them the most inspiration.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feedback 22/4/09

Good Sean - now upload your rough sketches of your pages and your mood board, props and costume lists and choice of locations must all be commented upon. Also remember to keep blogging on the progress of your project too. Upload your photographs and comment how you decided to choose the ones for your pages.
Miss McNulty

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Most of the page is taken up from pictures of different bands with very little writting. My page background will mainly black and i will take several pictures of different people and make up a band for each picture with at the bottom of the picture the page number it would be on. The biggest picture on my page would be taken from my double page spread.
This is a contents page taken from a Kerrang magazazines contents page. From analysing it i am going to make the lay out of my magazine's contents page.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

From my questioaire results i now know that i should stick with the metal genre of music, aim it at people aged 13-16 and give away free CDs with it for around the price 2-4 pounds.

My Questionnaire results.

I asked 10 different people to fill out the questionnaire (posted earlier) below are the results

1) What is your favorite genre of music?
a) Pop(3)
b) Rock/Metal(4)
c) Rap/MC(1)
d) Indie(2)

2) How old are you?
a) <12(2)
b) 13-16(6)
c) 17-21(2)

3) How much would you spend on a music magazine?
a) <£2(4)

4) Do you prefer major bands or independent music.
a) Major bands.(9)
b) Independent bands.(1)

5) Do you prefer to try new bands that come out often or do you prefer to stick to bands you already enjoy?
a) Try new bands.(4)
b) Stick to the same band.(6)

6) What would you prefer to get free with a music magazine?
a) Posters(3)
b) CDs(5)
c) DVDs(2)
d) Badges(0)

I think my prelim task for the front cover of a school magazine went well, because the colours all work well together, but i wouldn't use these colours for my music magazine because it will not suite the genre heavy metal. I could of proberly took a better picture for my front cover but it would of took more time. For my magazine i will b mainly using the 3 colours black, white and red. In my picture i will be using for the front cover i will use 2 people get them dressed in black and both holding a guitar, they will be both from different bands and i will use one of them 2 bands to do my main article on.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feedback 26/3/09

A good prelim task Sean! You now need to evaulate its sucess -strengths and weaknesses- what worked and what didn't.
You also still need to upload your results of your questionnaire linking it to your target audience.
More reasearch is still needed on magazines! See my previous post!
Now you need to scan and upload your mood board and rough layout plan for your pages.
Miss McNulty

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Feedback 12/3/09

Good research Sean. Try to upload or scan a cover, contents page and double page spread of a music magazine and analyse it in relation to the conventions of magazines. Does it follow the rules or deviate away from them?
Miss McNulty

Monday, March 9, 2009

Music magazine questionnaire.

Please fill out the questionnaire below and circle the correct answer.

1) What is your favorite genre of music?
a) Pop
b) Rock/Metal
c) Rap/MC
d) Indie

2) How old are you?
a) <12
b) 1-16
c) 17-21

3) How much would you spend on a music magazine?
a) <£2

4) Do you prefer major bands or independent music.
a) Major bands.
b) Independent bands.

5) Do you prefer to try new bands that come out often or do you prefer to stick to bands you already enjoy?
a) Try new bands.
b) Stick to the same band.

6) What would you prefer to get free with a music magazine?
a) Posters
b) CDs
c) DVDs
d) Badges

I will hand my questionnaire out to 10 different people and i will create my music magazine around these answers.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

 I am going to create a online questionaire to find my target audience i am going  to aim my magazine at

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Front cover of Hammer magazine.
The colours of the magazine are very dark red and clack which suit the rock genre well. The band Megadeth are going to be the main attraction for the people buying the magazine but there are other bands inside incase they don't particularly like megadeth like. I am going to use the idea to giving free stuff with the magazine.

This is the front cover of the Kerrange magazine with Avenged sevenfold vs Bullet for my valantine.

This magazine uses two very different bands that are against eachother so this magazine will attract attention from fans from both bands. The colours of the magazine are very plain and black and white which also suits the rock/heavy metal genre of music. Both of the members of the band are using direct adress so they connect to the audience more.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Existing Rock/Heavy metal magazine. 2/3/09

 There are several heavy metal and rock magazines existing they are, Kerang, Hammer, Rock hard and Metal Edge. I will be reading through these magazines to get some idea on the lay out and see what works and what doesn't. My magazine is going to stand out from the rest because i  am going to focus my magazine around British artists rather then artists from around the world.

Sean Golding-Music Magazine 2/3/09

 The project i have chosen to do is the Music Magazine. The genres of music i have chosen to do for my magazine is rock and heavy metal. My main audience for this magazine will be male teenage boys.